NVS Arts and Sciences Program “Sip and Savor Auction” at the Kiawanda Community Center in Pacific City, OR
April 13, 2024 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
The Sip and Savor Auction fundraiser raises money for Neskowin Valley Schools’s Arts and Sciences program! The Arts and Sciences Program provides the opportunity to develop the magical NVS theater productions, provide music and language lessons, and high-quality art supplies, host community STEM nights, engage students in student-directed gardening, hands-on educational field trips, and host relevant professional development. 100% of the proceeds benefit NVS students, families, and the community!
Since 1972, Neskowin Valley School has offered an independent, individualized educational environment that celebrates student diversity and uniqueness. To learn more about Neskowin Valley School, visit www.neskowinvalleyschool.com.
Sip and Savor Auction attendees will enjoy live music featuring The Mostest (https://www.facebook.com/mostestbend/), wine tasting featuring Silas Wines (https://www.silaswines.com/), canapés, and an in-person live auction. The silent auction will be available online beginning April 6, 2024, and the live auction will be in person and online at 7:30 pm on April 13, 2024. Both auctions close at 9:30 pm on April 13, 2024.