This in-person Connect Postvention training is offered through a partnership between School Safety and Prevention at Northwest Regional Education Service District and Tillamook School District.
Connect Postvention Training helps service providers and school officials respond in a coordinated and comprehensive way in the aftermath of a suicide or sudden death. Recommended participants include school and district administrators, law enforcement, EMS, mental health providers, school counselors, flight team/crisis response leads, members of the Tillamook County Suicide Prevention Coalition, clergy, and others who are involved in planning postvention response to a suicide death in the county.
The training will cover:
There will also be a Day 2: Tillamook County Community Planning Workshop where previous attendees will come together to
Registration for Day 2 is separate. You must have either taken the Connect training or been invited to attend Day 2 to register. This training is not recommended for the general population. If members of the general population are interested in suicide prevention and/or postvention trainings, please reach out to Amanda Ferrat, lead of the Tillamook County Suicide Prevention Coalition at
To register for the Connect training, visit this link: