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Connect Postvention Training

February 24 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Connect UiN1a6.tmp

This in-person Connect Postvention training is offered through a partnership between School Safety and Prevention at Northwest Regional Education Service District and Tillamook School District.

Connect Postvention Training helps service providers and school officials respond in a coordinated and comprehensive way in the aftermath of a suicide or sudden death. Recommended participants include school and district administrators, law enforcement, EMS, mental health providers, school counselors, flight team/crisis response leads, members of the Tillamook County Suicide Prevention Coalition, clergy, and others who are involved in planning postvention response to a suicide death in the county.

Day 1: Connect Postvention Training

  • Best practices on how to coordinate a comprehensive and safe response to a suicide
  • Strategies for reducing the risk of contagion
  • Review of the complexity of suicide-related grief, especially for different age groups
  • Recommendations for funerals and memorial activities
  • Best practices for safe messaging about suicide and responding to the media

Day 2: Tillamook County Postvention Planning (click here to register) Must have attended Day one, previous Connect training, or been invited to attend Day 2 only to register 

  • Strengthen connections between people, schools, community organizations, and first responders in Tillamook County who should be a part of suicide postvention planning and response
  • Develop a shared understanding how Tillamook County currently responds to suicide deaths, including what’s going well, gaps, and areas for improvement
  • Collaborate on planning for future suicide postvention response in Tillamook County

This training is not appropriate for the general public. It is geared towards those who work or hold a role in services that are impacted by or involved with suicide postvention services. If a member of the general public would like more information about suicide prevention or postvention trainings, please contact Amanda Ferrat, Tillamook County Suicide Prevention Coalition lead, at Thank you.


Link to register:


February 24
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:
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